


The 布雷西亚大学 居住生活 program is a co-curricular educational program that is an integral part of the University’s educational mission. The purpose of the program is to facilitate development of character and leadership skills of individual student residents while teaching the 学生 about the balance of personal freedom with responsibility to community. This is accomplished by encouraging student residents placed in the program to take part in forming a residential community of 学生 where personal behavior consistent with Christian/Catholic moral principles, 美德和布雷西亚大学

本节中包含的政策特别适用于校园学生宿舍. 它们不仅适用于所有访客,也适用于居民. Policies contained in the other sections of the Student Code of Conduct also apply to all residents and visitors.

Residents are also responsible for all terms and conditions stipulated in 住房 Contract they have signed with the University. 任何违反住房合同的行为都被视为违反学生行为准则. 违规者将受到行为制裁.


Merici大厅是一个空调宿舍,设有单人和双人入住的房间, 一个洗衣, 娱乐室, 和小型厨房. 每个房间都有有线电视和电脑连接. Saffer大厅是有空调的, 单人宿舍, 有洗衣, 休息室, 和小型厨房. 每个房间都有有线电视和电脑连接. 年轻的大厅 and 受托人的大厅 (University Apartments) are air-conditioned apartment buildings consisting of 12 units each containing 5 single bedrooms, 设备齐全的厨房, 客厅, 投币式洗衣房和2间设备齐全的浴室. 每间卧室和客厅都有有线电视、电话和电脑连接.


住宿生活办公室与学生密切合作, 教师, 和工作人员帮助学生实现他们的教育目标. 布雷西亚大学雇佣学生作为住宿助理(拉)来协助住宿学生, explain University policies and safety procedures; enforce University rules and regulations; listen to student concerns and respond as appropriate to them; plan hall activities, 并作为住宿生活主任的联络人. 拉, 作为住宿生活和学生事务部的准专业成员, 大学与学生的第一线接触是什么. 他们在秋季学期开始前参加一个培训课程, 整个学年提供额外的培训. 有关成为住宿助理的信息可以在住宿生活办公室获得.


General Eligibility Requirements: Brescia reserves the right to limit placement in its residence life program to those 学生 who meet its 资格 requirements, 无论布雷西亚大学学生手册或住房合同中是否有规定. The University also reserves the right to review the status of any student placed in the program who fails to maintain any 资格 requirements while a student resident. 在这种情况下, the review will be conducted by the Dean of Students who has authority to reassign the student to another residence facility of the University’s choosing; suspend the student from on-campus housing; immediately and permanently remove the student and the student’s possessions from on-campus housing; or impose other appropriate terms or conditions for continued residence. 有资格进入布雷西亚大学的住宿生活项目, 学生必须在大学全日制注册(12个或更多学分). Students enrolled on a part-time 基础 at the time of the application may be considered for placement in 布雷西亚大学’s 居住生活 Program at the discretion of the Dean of Students. Any student who has a criminal history must make full disclosure to the University at the time of application to the 居住生活 Program. 布雷西亚大学 reserves the right to at any time require the student to undergo a criminal background check as a condition of placement. 布雷西亚大学 reserves the right to refuse placement to or remove any student when it has reasonable cause to believe the student is dangerous to himself/herself and/or others or is otherwise unsuitable for its residence life program.


New Students: The Office of 入学s furnishes all new 学生 with on-campus student housing applications at the time of their acceptance to 布雷西亚大学. 在校学生:每年一次, housing sign-ups for currently enrolled 学生 takes place in the spring semester under the supervision of the Director of 居住生活. 这个过程从信息通知开始,参与者会收到关于截止日期的信息, 资格, 以及注册程序. 住房保证金:申请时需支付100美元的住房保证金. 未缴交按金的申请将不获处理.


Living on-campus is a once in a lifetime opportunity for 学生 to live in and be a part of a community of scholars and learners. Research at colleges and universities across the country indicates on-campus 学生 are significantly more likely than their off-campus peers to succeed 学术ally, 参与校园活动, 毕业,并对他们的大学经历感到积极. 出于这些原因, 布雷西亚大学(像大多数私立和许多公立学院和大学一样)有

布雷西亚大学要求所有的第一次, 传统年龄(17-19岁)的学生在大一的前两个学期住在校园里. Students over the age of 19 are required to live on campus unless one of the following conditions are met and a review is conducted by the Dean of Students following a review of the student’s financial aid, 学术, 学生行为记录:

在这个问题的整个时期, 学生与父母或法院指定的法定监护人同住

  • 该学生是现役一年以上的退伍军人;
  • 入学时年满23周岁;
  • 这个学生结婚了. 计划结婚的学生在他们被要求居住的时间内
  • 学生是未成年人、子女或监护人的法定监护人或法院指定的监护人
    children; or
  • 该学生之前已经在学校连续住了8个学期.

基础, 并要求和接收被认为是核实信息所必需的任何和所有文件
随请求一起提交. 建议学生不要签订任何校外租赁或租赁协议
在大学就学生的要求作出决定之前. 的决心

布雷西亚大学提供所有学生宿舍、房间和公寓. 学生需要提供台灯等物品, 垃圾桶, 闹钟, 洗衣用品, 还有个人用品和学习用品. 如有需要,学生可携带小型冰箱. Microwaves are available in the kitchenettes but are not permitted in Residence Hall rooms or outside of the kitchen area in Apartments and Houses. Video game consoles/Internet capable devices other than computers: The 布雷西亚大学 information technology department will assist 学生 with connecting devices which are compatible with the institution’s network hardware. 在Young和受托人,每个公寓单元将有一个设备的限制. 在Merici和Saffer, 每层限三人,先到先得, 每个主题屋一个, 只有在房子的硬件支持的情况下. The IT department reserves the right to decline setting up any device which may use excessive resources or cause interruptions the resources provided.

Maintenance requests may be submitted by residents to their RA or to the Director of 居住生活 who direct these to the appropriate department. 提交的请求允许维修人员进入学生的房间或公寓进行维修. 大学在公共区域提供家政服务. 学生们打扫自己的房间. 住宿生活工作人员可以在学年期间安排健康和安全检查. 注意:住在公寓的学生负责公寓内的所有清洁工作.


秋季假期宿舍关闭, 感恩节, 圣诞节, 复活节和春假(具体日期请查看校历). 在这些时间里,学生们应该离开校园. 必须, 出于适当的原因, 假期留在学校的学生须与住宿生活主任作出安排. 在关门期间,没有食品服务,没有探视,也没有接待员值班. 通常, 宿舍在最后一顿合同餐后的下午6点关闭,并在开学前一天开放. 在休息期间,学校不要求留在校园的学生将收取每日费用.

新生必须将健康评估表和免疫接种表交回住宿生活主任. The University encourages resident 学生 and their families to share confidentially with the Director of 居住生活 or the Dean of Students any medical information that is critical for understanding behavior and care giving in case of emergencies. Immunizations required for 学生 must be obtained prior to moving on campus include Meningitis and Hepatitis A & B.